Other than the fact that nowhere throughout the entire trailer did I feel goosebumps or a sense of OMGIHAVETOSEETHIS, it looks like they transformed the R62 into a 142 pretty well, except for the in-train LED sign (text size looks a little too big).
OMG BIG MISTAKE: In the trailer, a 6 train is shown to be stopping at the 7‘s Grand Central platform. They probably did it for looks though-the platform’s decor is unique.
I saw that too. The railfans are going to have a field day with this. Much of the movie was filmed on the outer, abandoned platforms at Hoyt-Schermerhorn too as far as I know.
Pelham 123 stinks. The original will never be approached.
Looks like Vinny Barbarino turned bad
It looks dreadful, as I expected. All action and zero charm. Didn’t they trash this classic once already with a TV movie a few years ago…?
Other than the fact that nowhere throughout the entire trailer did I feel goosebumps or a sense of OMGIHAVETOSEETHIS, it looks like they transformed the R62 into a 142 pretty well, except for the in-train LED sign (text size looks a little too big).
OMG BIG MISTAKE: In the trailer, a 6 train is shown to be stopping at the 7‘s Grand Central platform. They probably did it for looks though-the platform’s decor is unique.
I saw that too. The railfans are going to have a field day with this. Much of the movie was filmed on the outer, abandoned platforms at Hoyt-Schermerhorn too as far as I know.
Well, this beats People v. Goetz, doesn’t it, Kabak?
Oh, it sure does. The original is a pretty great movie actually too.
I like it! Now the question is, should I see the original version first?
Why is the train call Pelham 1-2-3?