Home Transit LaborTWU The TWU/MTA arbitration decision and dissent

The TWU/MTA arbitration decision and dissent

by Benjamin Kabak

Submitted without comment, for now, is the document that has unleashed a labor war on these pages. The MTA/TWU arbitration decision has been a topic of discussion for much of the last two days, and below is a Scribd copy of the document. You can find the PDF of it right here on the Public Employment Relations Board website.

The opinion contains two parts: the majority order and a dissent by Dall W. Forsythe, the MTA’s selection to serve on the three-member arbitration panel. Check it out.

The M.T.A. and T.W.U. Arbitration

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Cap'n Transit August 13, 2009 - 10:08 pm

That’s not a PDF. This is a PDF. Scribd sucks, for a variety of reasons, but if you really want to use it please put in a link to the PDF that we can download without registering for their site. Sorry to be cranky, but you can have too much Flash.

Tony August 13, 2009 - 10:16 pm

Notice that the MTA rep. clearly states that the cost of the wage increases to the MTA will be 2.5% in both 2009 and 2010 and 3.0% in 2011.


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