After nearly a year of negotiations, the MTA and Amtrak reached an agreement so the Penn Station Access project can move forward.
It sure does take a while to turn transit dreams into reality in New York City. Take this website’s namesake subway line. What started as a line on paper in 1929 became reality in part only 87 years later. Penn Station Access — a plan to bring Metro-North trains to Penn Station via four new stops in the Bronx — won’t have such a tortuous long history, but this idea, born in 1973, will turn 50 before the trains finally run.
Yet the trains will run. Twenty years after planning began in earnest and scoping documents were released to the public, Amtrak and Metro-North reached an agreement on a long-simmering dispute so that Metro-North can build its four in-fill stations and operate along Amtrak right-of-way, delivering New Haven Line and Bronx commuter rail passengers to Manhattan’s West Side, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, again in charge of the MTA, announced yesterday.
“Too many residents of the Bronx have been without reliable transit, which is why I proposed these new stations,” Governor Cuomo said, of a project the MTA scoped in 2000 when Cuomo, then 43, was the HUD Secretary in the Clinton Administration. “With a reconstructed Moynihan Station currently underway, these four stations not only will connect the east Bronx to Manhattan’s West Side, but also build upon our ongoing efforts to fully transform our state’s transportation infrastructure.”
In addition to providing New Haven Line riders with direct access to the West Side, the plan includes four new Metro-North stations in the Bronx at Co-Op City, Morris Park, Parkchester/Van Nest and Hunts Point. The MTA has currently allocated around $700 million to the project though the total budget is estimated to exceed $1 billion, an astronomical price tag for four in-fill stations along a preexisting rail right-of-way. Cuomo’s Tuesday announcement included details of the first contract as HNTB New York Engineering and Architecture will get $35 million for engineering and design work.
While the Metro-North stations in the Bronx can help speed travel times to Manhattan for far-flung corners of that borough, I believe the reverse-commute patterns will be more important for Bronx residents who work in Westchester. Still, the MTA should use Penn Station Access as an opportunity to rationalize the fares for commuter rail trips within the five boroughs (a topic I last explored in 2015).
“Bringing Metro-North service to the east Bronx is a game changer for the borough, and we have all been eager to get started,” Interim MTA Chair Fernando Ferrer said in a statement. “This project will significantly reduce travel times for east Bronx residents and help area businesses and institutions attract employees.”
Metro-North and Amtrak had been at odds over the project, which involves MTA use of Amtrak’s Hell Gate Bridge, for some time, and it seemed as though the project’s future was in jeopardy. So what did Metro-North and New York State give Amtrak? Cuomo’s press release puts a New York-friendly spin on the deal, noting that Amtrak and the MTA will “jointly study the feasibility of Amtrak running several trains daily from Long Island to Penn Station and continuing either north to Boston or south to Washington.” The MTA will also foot the bill for signal, power, communications and track upgrades along the route.
Two articles provide more detail on the deal that our governor reportedly brokered. WNYC’s Stephen Nessen reports on a trade-off involving the Pelham Bay Bridge:
The stalemate hinged on two demands from Amtrak. One was that the MTA pay to replace the century-old Pelham Bay Bridge, which would get more traffic with the expansion. As far back as 2010 Amtrak had labeled the bridge “beyond a state-of-good-repair” and in need of more than $500 million to build a replacement. Under the agreement brokered by Cuomo, the Pelham Bay Bridge replacement would be postponed for 10-20 years. The other sticking point was that Amtrak wanted to charge the MTA access fees for using its tracks.
Amtrak gave up the demand for fees in exchange for the Long Island feasibility study I mentioned above, and Thomas Zambito had a bit more on the horse-trading in The Journal-News:
Under the agreement announced today, the MTA will pay for the cost of improvements along the Hell Gate as well as the design of the Bronx commuter stations, according to an outline of the agreement obtained by The Journal News/lohud.com.
The two railroads will share costs for use of the Hell Gate and the replacement of the Pelham Bay Bridge based on usage, the outline adds. And, Metro-North will coordinate the project around Amtrak’s plans to increase service levels on its Acela Express between New York and Boston in 2021.
So for Metro-North and Gov. Cuomo, all’s well that end’s well yet again. The MTA is shouldering a lot of costs for railroad updates, and the agency gets its rail link from Westchester to Penn Station. The service is expected to begin a year or two after East Side Access opens or right around the 50th anniversary of the first calls to bring trains through the Bronx to Penn Station. All it takes is far too much time.
“The MTA has currently allocated around $700 million to the project though the total budget is estimated to exceed $1 billion, an astronomical price tag for four in-fill stations along a preexisting rail right-of-way.”
I guess nothing is too good if it brings minimum wage workers to Greenwich. And for this money, they don’t even replace the bridge. A similar infill station cost $20 million in metro Boston. A developer built it and agreed to pay for it, so there was no “rape the government” mark-up.
Can they build a junction to LIRR to wood side and create a truer overground like In London
The Amtrak line meets the LIRR lines well west of Woodside.
But they are planning a Sunnyside station once east side access is done (It’s that unlabeled white dot)
Cancelled as part of the general disaster that is East Side Access delays and over-runs.
Are you certain on that?
Not canceled, but not directly part of East Side Access. If anything happens with it, it will be after ESA day 1.
Why in the hell are there no stops in queens? Why does the MTA keep building large stretches of track with no stations (like the 7 between times square and 34th – Where is the 10th ave. station?)?
I live where the 10th Ave station was supposed to be. Really frustrating because 42nd St is a corridor that has terrible crosstown connections, yet has two subway lines under it (S GCT/Times Sq and 7). M42 is slower than walking and has bad frequency. Best bet is Citibike. If they had a station at 10th, this would be solved, and connect a bunch of new high rises that currently have private shuttle buses to PABT.
This is another example of re-arranging the Titanic’s deck chairs.
According to the last census, there are 103,542 Bronx residents living within walking distance of the proposed station (1/2 mile). However, only 21,385 were not already within walking distance of an existing subway. When the latest LEHD census is considered, there are 30,519 within walking distance of the proposed stations but only 6,527 of them are not already within walking distance of an existing subway station. A 6K per day market hardly deserves a bus route, let alone 4 railroad stations.
If the existing subway ride takes too much time, invest the money in speeding up the subway.
Given a choice between snail-paced #6 and a commuter train into Penn Station (at the sane subway fare), I’ll take the latter, all day long. Major caveat – boarding an inbound rush hour commuter train in Bronx guarantees that you will stand the entire way to Penn. On outward bound trains, I have to imagine that suburban commuters will be displeased with having to stand on train (as sizable #s of homeward-bound Bronx riders will populate some seats at Penn). This is something they don’t presently have to contend with (although LIRR commuters deal with it on a daily basis). As such, it will be interesting to see how many New Haven-bound trains become scheduled as first stop being Rye or Greenwich (I fully expect this to happen).
While Penn is not beautiful like Grand Central (GS), its multiple subway lines make it FAR better situated than GS for heading in various directions.
Another reality is that Metro-North service from Bronx locations will stimulate Bronx residential growth.
This is by no means a perfect solution, and although typically MTA costly, it is relatively “low-hanging fruit”.
I might opt for the same choice. However, that’s not the point.
About 25% or 2 million NYC residents live beyond walking distance to a subway station. It’s unconscionable to spend billions of dollars to provide a better ambiance for those who already enjoy subway access before providing walk to subway access for those who don’t.
I can’t say exactly where these stations will be, but the only one that will even remotely pertain to what you just said is the Hunts Point station.
Here’s a list of the proposed station locations. Their locations have been stated in numerous other articles. You can verify them with Google Maps.
“proposed stop”;”longitude”;”latitude”
“Hunts Pt”;-73.888412;40.820841
“Morris Park”;-73.852577;40.843619
“Coop City”;-73.820562;40.86144
Here’s a list of all the census blocks whose geographic centers are within 1/2 mile of the proposed station locations. I’ve appended the closest existing subway station, the distance to it, the census block population and the LEHD worker count for each census. You should be able to cut and paste into a spreadsheet. Have fun.
“census block”;”proposed stop”;”new dist”;”subway stop id”;”subway stop name”;”subway stop dist”;”population”;”workers”
“360050462011024”;”Coop City”;0.480914857339983;”502″;”Baychester Av”;1.04596305174323;0;0
“360050462011026”;”Coop City”;0.496738523721818;”502″;”Baychester Av”;1.13224950247734;0;0
“360050276001018”;”Coop City”;0.445399532504221;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.290565642102408;0;0
“360050276001017”;”Coop City”;0.443944543514;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.296872558477537;0;0
“360050276001022”;”Coop City”;0.449005754984004;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.315561621622048;0;0
“360050276001021”;”Coop City”;0.397218843810432;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.346672649487312;0;0
“360050276001020”;”Coop City”;0.357787618248773;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.379509343047626;0;0
“360050276001012”;”Coop City”;0.379448775024827;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.435991095973385;0;0
“360050276001013”;”Coop City”;0.482045213566459;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.45336517891986;0;0
“360050276001003”;”Coop City”;0.316856847193853;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.462341524058302;0;0
“360050276001014”;”Coop City”;0.430637158234887;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.483447372262873;0;0
“360050302003011”;”Coop City”;0.350050125999029;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.502658098614287;0;0
“360050276001019”;”Coop City”;0.262107984486371;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.509020463214621;0;0
“360050302003012”;”Coop City”;0.3078143315357;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.512919552284005;0;0
“360050276001015”;”Coop City”;0.412117005099065;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.534780880519254;0;0
“360050302003010”;”Coop City”;0.342555116123562;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.546550593965188;9;0
“360050302003009”;”Coop City”;0.299396148267488;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.553819998116049;112;35
“360050302001000”;”Coop City”;0.203640112194462;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.563667761321327;0;0
“360050302003007”;”Coop City”;0.253106203803753;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.581819228972042;80;16
“360050310002012”;”Coop City”;0.448106468199823;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.584091362123003;0;0
“360050276001004”;”Coop City”;0.153779487646639;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.587639841284333;428;113
“360050302003006”;”Coop City”;0.397377770389042;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.589565869594272;0;0
“360050302003005”;”Coop City”;0.3657450199795;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.600712114548848;0;0
“360050302003004”;”Coop City”;0.357712432155266;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.609570722933381;0;0
“360050310002011”;”Coop City”;0.485180625609548;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.611540389525586;0;0
“360050302003008”;”Coop City”;0.205593685499416;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.612734403942625;81;32
“360050302003003”;”Coop City”;0.321346653052073;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.636252648500733;0;0
“360050462011035”;”Coop City”;0.426285152047985;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.636311410131162;0;0
“360050302003002”;”Coop City”;0.280739888409046;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.653979341763811;60;23
“360050302003000”;”Coop City”;0.151971525506324;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.65586394303107;0;0
“360050356002012”;”Coop City”;0.484070359345577;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.658735075421523;0;0
“360050302003001”;”Coop City”;0.234954988176149;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.66065920447928;63;14
“360050302001001”;”Coop City”;0.074457174314093;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.679128698177881;653;179
“360050302002001”;”Coop City”;0.215195551760007;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.702792797964154;1064;337
“360050302001002”;”Coop City”;0.0555687750809121;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.715689859725018;2;0
“360050302002000”;”Coop City”;0.277251332369867;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.758168386262098;825;258
“360050462011025”;”Coop City”;0.32835963292211;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.820491357961014;0;0
“360050302006001”;”Coop City”;0.243188270215196;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.828456902270035;620;174
“360050302006000”;”Coop City”;0.18058996430574;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.82874767768467;295;92
“360050302005004”;”Coop City”;0.144661025492453;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.833645063766254;0;0
“360050276000001”;”Coop City”;0.150990084731554;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.84510471934635;0;0
“360050462011034”;”Coop City”;0.46187993707406;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.861881082223309;0;0
“360050302004003”;”Coop City”;0.185301069546008;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.870222623880528;21;8
“360050302005003”;”Coop City”;0.199314124232397;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.878820507641014;2228;661
“360050302005002”;”Coop City”;0.262451189886448;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.895164672826283;0;0
“360050302005000”;”Coop City”;0.334435500649746;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.943710115987702;0;0
“360050302005005”;”Coop City”;0.286228108584283;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.947565466069418;624;176
“360050302005001”;”Coop City”;0.348911913407774;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;0.993433047211101;2150;637
“360050302004002”;”Coop City”;0.267530122929624;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;1.00089736706918;0;0
“360050504000006”;”Coop City”;0.290036617165582;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;1.00957458764979;0;0
“360050302004000”;”Coop City”;0.295835056590731;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;1.024576381066;0;0
“360050302005006”;”Coop City”;0.353591924571234;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;1.03115835283602;0;0
“360050302004001”;”Coop City”;0.330440038481411;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;1.06049727456341;0;0
“360050504001003”;”Coop City”;0.450900849865035;”601″;”Pelham Bay Park”;1.16536894916686;0;0
“360050052001005”;”Hunts Pt”;0.462177305238147;”611″;”Elder Av”;0.293968572466204;409;158
“360050028001010”;”Hunts Pt”;0.496897234732625;”611″;”Elder Av”;0.426973218267135;458;151
“360050028003000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.473681140690857;”611″;”Elder Av”;0.523522416641331;552;146
“360050121012005”;”Hunts Pt”;0.487335037323254;”216″;”Freeman St”;0.173101021772946;522;126
“360050119001002”;”Hunts Pt”;0.130128772629674;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.0226801991471476;0;0
“360050115021011”;”Hunts Pt”;0.0603923802671517;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.0667997858881682;0;0
“360050119001001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.159639931998078;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.0791261993659362;1187;342
“360050115021018”;”Hunts Pt”;0.0535311349641197;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.0881291724001391;0;0
“360050119004000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.119458415827414;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.0912498764358732;856;231
“360050115021012”;”Hunts Pt”;0.0577186443201749;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.0942376246291461;0;0
“360050089001000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.195430805308612;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.101937350564897;390;118
“360050093002001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.17540631871327;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.109328230573767;0;0
“360050093002000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.188039721325939;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.113243484892623;0;0
“360050093002002”;”Hunts Pt”;0.172956466147727;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.120027321452762;0;0
“360050089001001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.234710866433357;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.128031694457008;720;188
“360050115021004”;”Hunts Pt”;0.027877868063786;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.131734775933197;0;0
“360050119002001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.114414151807139;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.132544992692222;290;73
“360050115021017”;”Hunts Pt”;0.115697091450822;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.141080524569843;212;46
“360050093002003”;”Hunts Pt”;0.17722442684846;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.141248512444504;0;0
“360050115021002”;”Hunts Pt”;0.0595066791359733;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.141518922363247;0;0
“360050115021013”;”Hunts Pt”;0.0916568066244934;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.15518211993604;340;86
“360050087002000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.269044933005595;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.158312888998035;392;84
“360050119002002”;”Hunts Pt”;0.132039325595771;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.178975422935991;0;0
“360050115021014”;”Hunts Pt”;0.0859378168780245;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.180541502061199;565;120
“360050115021003”;”Hunts Pt”;0.0877057171184806;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.185068516162451;0;0
“360050089001003”;”Hunts Pt”;0.293912669124723;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.212263604979131;424;145
“360050093002008”;”Hunts Pt”;0.279152367618882;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.213940854069028;0;0
“360050093002009”;”Hunts Pt”;0.284477442383254;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.214170899952582;0;0
“360050115021015”;”Hunts Pt”;0.110679858363628;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.217952995884791;655;174
“360050119002003”;”Hunts Pt”;0.161278380188578;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.219402451557909;104;30
“360050115022001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.175124992033774;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.219440198758914;520;110
“360050089001002”;”Hunts Pt”;0.316544118870637;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.221196347480815;276;79
“360050093002004”;”Hunts Pt”;0.209430552956736;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.222659004818673;1044;217
“360050093002007”;”Hunts Pt”;0.27628584767141;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.224514146497244;0;0
“360050115021005”;”Hunts Pt”;0.134455279351933;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.236557698829296;0;0
“360050093002005”;”Hunts Pt”;0.244737775398292;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.237630955483871;114;15
“360050115021016”;”Hunts Pt”;0.153300023771753;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.264020237122466;0;0
“360050093002006”;”Hunts Pt”;0.296335845650357;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.270594006211406;0;0
“360050115022000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.218644395578237;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.285060213114112;826;191
“360050115021008”;”Hunts Pt”;0.182322687599493;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.286118156820554;0;0
“360050115022002”;”Hunts Pt”;0.245046890514331;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.28896315358989;266;79
“360050115021009”;”Hunts Pt”;0.198340422711411;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.310119959151908;0;0
“360050115023003”;”Hunts Pt”;0.232438108912331;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.31334022020414;952;235
“360050115023002”;”Hunts Pt”;0.255111982356707;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.346286815324056;4;1
“360050115021010”;”Hunts Pt”;0.243554415059674;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.355783982158515;0;0
“360050117001004”;”Hunts Pt”;0.320987214066473;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.365823237340779;240;98
“360050115023001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.284779364682288;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.383039887922971;0;0
“360050093003001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.370502228411955;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.397400390992813;809;163
“360050117001003”;”Hunts Pt”;0.362079359083244;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.416442340663715;912;261
“360050093003000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.389451358759614;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.428782494250251;847;193
“360050115020001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.325203936442083;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.435493732019022;0;0
“360050028000001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.325879578790419;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.437535513778327;0;0
“360050115023000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.337446222459004;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.441050103324625;0;0
“360050117001002”;”Hunts Pt”;0.378447575348522;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.443020888086225;397;123
“360050117001001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.392725229712331;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.466844482953735;16;26
“360050093003004”;”Hunts Pt”;0.429207055144618;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.476524814626799;62;14
“360050117001000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.412407849733062;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.494473423011997;12;35
“360050028001018”;”Hunts Pt”;0.389705228716558;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.501791879060884;0;0
“360050117002020”;”Hunts Pt”;0.464838188909204;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.517682482513982;0;0
“360050117002001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.451354065642414;”613″;”Hunts Point Av”;0.538097287672431;0;0
“360050087005000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.420049209199084;”218″;”Intervale Av”;0.0393972904010416;994;317
“360050129011005”;”Hunts Pt”;0.487299538755125;”218″;”Intervale Av”;0.0521769582426184;212;39
“360050087005001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.469056771567736;”218″;”Intervale Av”;0.0595080516786476;141;48
“360050129011003”;”Hunts Pt”;0.4436497484055;”218″;”Intervale Av”;0.0616549034962808;319;64
“360050159002001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.37206877052983;”218″;”Intervale Av”;0.0739741158349444;296;89
“360050129011004”;”Hunts Pt”;0.470043521269553;”218″;”Intervale Av”;0.108422894216603;133;28
“360050129011002”;”Hunts Pt”;0.406386189925003;”218″;”Intervale Av”;0.108794565422294;151;23
“360050087004000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.420515733669044;”218″;”Intervale Av”;0.118967036219701;566;148
“360050159002000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.325830395543771;”218″;”Intervale Av”;0.123902885809141;248;101
“360050087004001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.476014410248503;”218″;”Intervale Av”;0.124841852959184;471;115
“360050087002002”;”Hunts Pt”;0.381559438539297;”218″;”Intervale Av”;0.156644417207978;559;183
“360050087002001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.320456657735115;”218″;”Intervale Av”;0.184561147057119;456;139
“360050089002003”;”Hunts Pt”;0.49737684853578;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.0516939443829156;0;0
“360050093001008”;”Hunts Pt”;0.486950195327633;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.0707867521020614;0;0
“360050089002002”;”Hunts Pt”;0.47657706364265;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.0735153608074354;600;188
“360050093001007”;”Hunts Pt”;0.478230845009879;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.0866242351682425;0;0
“360050089002001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.419257496748869;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.113427572896082;641;171
“360050087003001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.481246943795569;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.116025531003183;853;216
“360050093001006”;”Hunts Pt”;0.458071487255612;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.130502799625875;29;6
“360050093001000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.398723180221096;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.138063008819931;0;0
“360050093001001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.39231000623737;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.148591187611902;0;0
“360050089002000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.393073747892643;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.157426030667552;126;48
“360050087001007”;”Hunts Pt”;0.492629954285946;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.161874253135351;0;0
“360050093001002”;”Hunts Pt”;0.380843753448148;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.165320481960731;0;0
“360050093001015”;”Hunts Pt”;0.47838494022412;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.181975942942714;12;6
“360050093001003”;”Hunts Pt”;0.365852065976492;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.19263675637912;0;0
“360050093001005”;”Hunts Pt”;0.413049975388468;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.204340471830078;0;0
“360050087003000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.388127421895247;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.207140902221632;95;23
“360050093001004”;”Hunts Pt”;0.355652715625491;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.222770984002061;0;0
“360050093001017”;”Hunts Pt”;0.435329106617759;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.25071577134711;0;0
“360050093003003”;”Hunts Pt”;0.358902412791653;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.254546109294465;0;0
“360050093001016”;”Hunts Pt”;0.489928340587838;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.261191333114125;8;1
“360050093003002”;”Hunts Pt”;0.397599593324949;”614″;”Longwood Av”;0.339818949372544;63;18
“360050129011000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.346100862035266;”217″;”Simpson St”;0.0343115629702278;0;0
“360050129011001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.371533334685254;”217″;”Simpson St”;0.078338812761291;26;6
“360050127012001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.405621804740177;”217″;”Simpson St”;0.0886265956863646;430;123
“360050119001000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.265067617292973;”217″;”Simpson St”;0.0999514105945377;867;252
“360050127012002”;”Hunts Pt”;0.431343905555224;”217″;”Simpson St”;0.101309909188871;311;94
“360050159001000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.240066550306737;”217″;”Simpson St”;0.105302904180033;770;229
“360050127012000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.390126384642237;”217″;”Simpson St”;0.109585870371859;223;68
“360050159001001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.282049576733571;”217″;”Simpson St”;0.115178354199728;850;223
“360050131002005”;”Hunts Pt”;0.464055660362763;”217″;”Simpson St”;0.135980999927946;534;117
“360050121021004”;”Hunts Pt”;0.325003868685801;”217″;”Simpson St”;0.139439205000071;0;0
“360050127011004”;”Hunts Pt”;0.340092091332071;”217″;”Simpson St”;0.14281044958604;0;0
“360050127011003”;”Hunts Pt”;0.3845694951155;”217″;”Simpson St”;0.152106469033246;264;62
“360050119003000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.242721999584059;”217″;”Simpson St”;0.159240328043122;646;172
“360050121021003”;”Hunts Pt”;0.323892080512442;”217″;”Simpson St”;0.180387255335564;20;7
“360050125001007”;”Hunts Pt”;0.496252931061306;”217″;”Simpson St”;0.195416849791147;15;5
“360050119002000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.233669424103645;”217″;”Simpson St”;0.208016958210645;673;182
“360050127011002”;”Hunts Pt”;0.402538174778189;”217″;”Simpson St”;0.208135847688256;99;39
“360050121021000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.406770052421112;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.0360345178401549;326;109
“360050121021005”;”Hunts Pt”;0.337842736653875;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.0759899858162084;204;62
“360050123003010”;”Hunts Pt”;0.327659173729712;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.0813234355318899;0;0
“360050123003008”;”Hunts Pt”;0.33731602914757;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.0835010335838525;0;0
“360050123003007”;”Hunts Pt”;0.391106298014556;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.0911559587612037;0;0
“360050121011003”;”Hunts Pt”;0.472410779586821;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.0986804976104869;308;84
“360050121021001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.346428918212952;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.113850113249151;706;204
“360050127011000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.396691063349118;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.117180639630076;0;0
“360050052001002”;”Hunts Pt”;0.480582893965944;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.13436323976702;0;0
“360050121011001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.468778598559411;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.134685008685516;770;193
“360050119005000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.253448549294927;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.154768164046421;276;88
“360050121012007”;”Hunts Pt”;0.440112349046417;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.162499275175288;326;65
“360050121021002”;”Hunts Pt”;0.331111984111915;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.164776951612749;375;126
“360050052001001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.484855443634286;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.174184655928176;0;0
“360050119005001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.234363758893114;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.186336642977864;799;194
“360050127011001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.375666065077621;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.188096096206687;926;297
“360050052001003”;”Hunts Pt”;0.33918492641945;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.20155188602398;0;0
“360050123003009”;”Hunts Pt”;0.230828037753249;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.212181462561615;0;0
“360050052001004”;”Hunts Pt”;0.394237566352496;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.245503894983644;0;0
“360050115021001”;”Hunts Pt”;0.181549946906644;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.253792466994546;0;0
“360050115021000”;”Hunts Pt”;0.236628367554247;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.253900954087884;0;0
“360050115021006”;”Hunts Pt”;0.231442425997172;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.272295355269831;0;0
“360050028001014”;”Hunts Pt”;0.291341252742734;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.272345262386659;0;0
“360050028001013”;”Hunts Pt”;0.290730704386709;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.29077504173676;0;0
“360050115021007”;”Hunts Pt”;0.224877224314107;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.32662950553996;0;0
“360050028001006”;”Hunts Pt”;0.411416594033214;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.339545676627077;0;0
“360050028001012”;”Hunts Pt”;0.404843821646952;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.348958738650496;0;0
“360050028001015”;”Hunts Pt”;0.293526165560828;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.356113103870392;0;0
“360050028001016”;”Hunts Pt”;0.345719915217999;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.383302271079499;0;0
“360050028001017”;”Hunts Pt”;0.396721727654877;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.409886298357656;0;0
“360050028001011”;”Hunts Pt”;0.447708822914172;”612″;”Whitlock Av”;0.438213801714511;423;124
“360050232001000”;”Morris Park”;0.497697713082678;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.423663175704635;267;82
“360050232001004”;”Morris Park”;0.482150063766964;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.426493720733763;61;16
“360050238002000”;”Morris Park”;0.441542975519919;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.46510226721134;315;95
“360050238002004”;”Morris Park”;0.474287480622986;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.474632336572142;68;14
“360050238002005”;”Morris Park”;0.410779396825053;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.500758228955128;214;48
“360050244001003”;”Morris Park”;0.359979493882214;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.549118548759938;100;27
“360050238001000”;”Morris Park”;0.41001776110195;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.570377958403633;92;40
“360050244002004”;”Morris Park”;0.263613689323944;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.646515866447047;127;36
“360050244002002”;”Morris Park”;0.223255779691061;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.683176746212218;258;87
“360050206012007”;”Morris Park”;0.476712654431472;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.173345968009917;179;47
“360050222001002”;”Morris Park”;0.455880412012088;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.208669529336933;265;104
“360050206012003”;”Morris Park”;0.426718371806947;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.223327719380976;140;42
“360050222001003”;”Morris Park”;0.474966915835548;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.242493119894034;652;204
“360050206012004”;”Morris Park”;0.376283835312475;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.275162537424957;66;13
“360050222001001”;”Morris Park”;0.336570645028725;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.327503976642296;0;0
“360050210023000”;”Morris Park”;0.484541111948275;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.332454996212734;0;0
“360050210026000”;”Morris Park”;0.419024534570743;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.364240634396981;1578;539
“360050210022000”;”Morris Park”;0.320687707713414;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.376437410035084;580;211
“360050210024001”;”Morris Park”;0.352633001980058;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.384206800676634;520;210
“360050210024002”;”Morris Park”;0.377457703101464;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.393030615792867;0;0
“360050210028000”;”Morris Park”;0.350501302989399;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.463506651327202;799;295
“360050210024000”;”Morris Park”;0.290120459956236;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.469153515969661;458;151
“360050210015000”;”Morris Park”;0.287849259248803;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.518317429470253;1267;425
“360050210011001”;”Morris Park”;0.207623876698248;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.5206844866234;584;203
“360050210013000”;”Morris Park”;0.217530969933532;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.560806762074411;410;135
“360050210013001”;”Morris Park”;0.251083341673932;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.567552007578855;0;0
“360050252001001”;”Morris Park”;0.443264227685996;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.406403583894093;371;109
“360050252001000”;”Morris Park”;0.447776569996919;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.408542669606659;211;54
“360050252001002”;”Morris Park”;0.444348255889262;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.410065187052529;261;72
“360050254001004”;”Morris Park”;0.457366567020626;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.416735833337446;294;80
“360050244001000”;”Morris Park”;0.450742762588755;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.419610669764597;183;52
“360050254001003”;”Morris Park”;0.472093894706454;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.430277963543449;385;122
“360050244001001”;”Morris Park”;0.462427057955673;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.434455967484634;517;167
“360050250001003”;”Morris Park”;0.491209838565695;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.448894367236729;259;73
“360050244001002”;”Morris Park”;0.478114343934113;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.451629599038163;117;31
“360050252001004”;”Morris Park”;0.312316938413964;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.537449496590565;174;50
“360050252001005”;”Morris Park”;0.318443906566434;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.539258969327673;147;37
“360050252001003”;”Morris Park”;0.313820444099082;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.540229065428264;181;62
“360050254001005”;”Morris Park”;0.33200652283516;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.545333317037652;135;38
“360050244002000”;”Morris Park”;0.322822346237502;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.547525750850144;160;53
“360050254001002”;”Morris Park”;0.351882719061063;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.555783488191441;98;24
“360050244002001”;”Morris Park”;0.338829248504122;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.559044654984173;244;71
“360050254001001”;”Morris Park”;0.377154890104554;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.57026841534605;0;0
“360050254001000”;”Morris Park”;0.408107203991934;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.589329721892193;141;41
“360050286001004”;”Morris Park”;0.443601530644726;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.614059695829202;97;32
“360050286001003”;”Morris Park”;0.480160645476408;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.641819957342246;103;34
“360050252002001”;”Morris Park”;0.185636223207923;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.664378685648366;259;71
“360050252002000”;”Morris Park”;0.195957449911243;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.665740134823709;265;77
“360050252002002”;”Morris Park”;0.188099569733556;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.666656499148868;266;84
“360050254002003”;”Morris Park”;0.217094562223338;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.670827767968771;204;67
“360050244002003”;”Morris Park”;0.202882048380686;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.672461090595482;242;59
“360050210027001”;”Morris Park”;0.48506667165324;”608″;”Parkchester”;0.393579937041354;541;185
“360050210025000”;”Morris Park”;0.451453896745438;”608″;”Parkchester”;0.39841082591244;135;56
“360050210027000”;”Morris Park”;0.412318257689839;”608″;”Parkchester”;0.442854359959125;770;271
“360050210012001”;”Morris Park”;0.443373821995684;”608″;”Parkchester”;0.462303003902807;3;1
“360050210014000”;”Morris Park”;0.494268771215465;”608″;”Parkchester”;0.465919895994096;3646;1173
“360050210012000”;”Morris Park”;0.395871340617267;”608″;”Parkchester”;0.494312725289018;43;17
“360050210015001”;”Morris Park”;0.343274697238623;”608″;”Parkchester”;0.52263533217074;308;103
“360050210016000”;”Morris Park”;0.363826409662903;”608″;”Parkchester”;0.570199009111757;1034;315
“360050238001001”;”Morris Park”;0.336558597426844;”608″;”Parkchester”;0.625529685085735;0;0
“360050200001007”;”Morris Park”;0.482777706997979;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.10315480368763;147;25
“360050200001008”;”Morris Park”;0.462420001143134;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.103820424582436;0;0
“360050200004000”;”Morris Park”;0.449913248773221;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.133452515534552;1376;287
“360050200002008”;”Morris Park”;0.49897881998899;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.16266726609478;0;0
“360050200003004”;”Morris Park”;0.393925697087462;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.179735873434017;434;86
“360050200001005”;”Morris Park”;0.402838357524297;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.188267144805018;145;37
“360050200001009”;”Morris Park”;0.376115970816319;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.193719732194966;251;72
“360050200002007”;”Morris Park”;0.465724476701814;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.209330740800975;30;18
“360050200001006”;”Morris Park”;0.400296454314164;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.223198975505682;0;0
“360050200003003”;”Morris Park”;0.342807691620704;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.226426950425099;178;42
“360050200002006”;”Morris Park”;0.437924920583098;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.255170402914859;155;45
“360050200001002”;”Morris Park”;0.31859602077292;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.278325070858099;20;6
“360050200001003”;”Morris Park”;0.296273787306737;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.281096795196744;156;41
“360050200003002”;”Morris Park”;0.279292006953288;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.287183973370045;315;88
“360050200002005”;”Morris Park”;0.411573870102814;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.300171622404889;52;19
“360050204002000”;”Morris Park”;0.276016932487007;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.309522694878229;74;18
“360050200001000”;”Morris Park”;0.323493358654073;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.31053742779555;195;67
“360050200001001”;”Morris Park”;0.282824373078393;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.314790442835836;0;0
“360050200001004”;”Morris Park”;0.253218616025433;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.328902694835876;188;36
“360050200003000”;”Morris Park”;0.221648781402177;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.348803170381763;85;26
“360050200002004”;”Morris Park”;0.390065599837798;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.350199188078696;13;3
“360050200003001”;”Morris Park”;0.190927467187203;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.37524613722155;202;50
“360050256002001”;”Morris Park”;0.284352245887297;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.378028801916653;68;17
“360050256002002”;”Morris Park”;0.191372483309255;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.40135507922593;181;58
“360050204003000”;”Morris Park”;0.170861157310785;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.402617565092132;411;120
“360050200002002”;”Morris Park”;0.343725676621508;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.402685927260455;12;2
“360050200002003”;”Morris Park”;0.387335762705916;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.418561850160955;0;0
“360050256002000”;”Morris Park”;0.230035540416736;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.434476900532507;98;29
“360050256002003”;”Morris Park”;0.107435319885784;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.465602422328632;218;61
“360050256001005”;”Morris Park”;0.215571539997465;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.468943299350915;0;0
“360050200002001”;”Morris Park”;0.421547924248598;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.483750519042795;0;0
“360050256002004”;”Morris Park”;0.0635137480156166;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.50283139688703;105;37
“360050256001004”;”Morris Park”;0.10720789141754;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.503688632039633;0;0
“360050256001000”;”Morris Park”;0.267258170949575;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.530861699591088;494;155
“360050256001006”;”Morris Park”;0.0598034579216309;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.533474079179523;0;0
“360050256001001”;”Morris Park”;0.218245671418764;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.538060983408481;123;43
“360050286002002”;”Morris Park”;0.32128730192658;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.54629892599928;104;31
“360050256001002”;”Morris Park”;0.171249360959006;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.549178580501241;115;35
“360050286002003”;”Morris Park”;0.373737352487821;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.555044765042367;119;40
“360050200002000”;”Morris Park”;0.443078837595896;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.558902458562049;0;0
“360050256001003”;”Morris Park”;0.126596368804251;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.566072685270609;151;48
“360050252002005”;”Morris Park”;0.0882593098107436;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.588593954671438;133;41
“360050252002004”;”Morris Park”;0.0717056325556437;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.619322005365936;160;39
“360050286002001”;”Morris Park”;0.362353910918477;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.660368948009432;248;71
“360050286002000”;”Morris Park”;0.409942633869831;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.663520037801522;190;62
“360050254002000”;”Morris Park”;0.321202966729385;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.667547320428787;225;59
“360050286001005”;”Morris Park”;0.453954851959296;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.668140934123682;154;43
“360050254002001”;”Morris Park”;0.281389318447278;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.669639665778667;244;80
“360050254002002”;”Morris Park”;0.246423649060424;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.677971324923201;233;75
“360050202002001”;”Morris Park”;0.459377642665089;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.120112041307492;165;56
“360050202001005”;”Morris Park”;0.431730380889444;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.147367349650286;244;81
“360050206012005”;”Morris Park”;0.454883024576371;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.156351267771748;246;65
“360050202001002”;”Morris Park”;0.40484256315729;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.168479386789295;204;72
“360050206012006”;”Morris Park”;0.485341218016844;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.174598062615204;177;54
“360050202002000”;”Morris Park”;0.447373973565062;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.181021827951908;285;98
“360050202001003”;”Morris Park”;0.358970217795052;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.212577672288552;164;59
“360050202001004”;”Morris Park”;0.370940606071345;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.21418794804531;85;26
“360050202001001”;”Morris Park”;0.39069267316824;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.216697989902824;187;60
“360050206012002”;”Morris Park”;0.39745710179143;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.22093500380905;117;36
“360050202001000”;”Morris Park”;0.343543069212932;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.252226020532942;132;49
“360050204002002”;”Morris Park”;0.309064276200583;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.262506709543617;229;71
“360050206012001”;”Morris Park”;0.359107063467549;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.2671064848782;144;53
“360050204002004”;”Morris Park”;0.318618326575858;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.273915753860047;90;26
“360050204002003”;”Morris Park”;0.274630860155262;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.298625872633484;147;49
“360050204002001”;”Morris Park”;0.255757597961814;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.31911576921595;156;50
“360050206012000”;”Morris Park”;0.313219848287366;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.325165075909235;149;50
“360050204003001”;”Morris Park”;0.224753340714992;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.347571290241398;409;134
“360050204003003”;”Morris Park”;0.243818655449822;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.368031620264046;316;104
“360050204003002”;”Morris Park”;0.184626761568893;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.389657733476005;335;112
“360050222001000”;”Morris Park”;0.237740963951174;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.42590063920313;90;35
“360050204001000”;”Morris Park”;0.133843113809939;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.442236187556202;421;116
“360050204001001”;”Morris Park”;0.117436841427807;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.480272108916619;388;132
“360050210011000”;”Morris Park”;0.157531460733062;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.50555732186884;273;99
“360050256002006”;”Morris Park”;0.056252185680357;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.530447938877102;33;7
“360050256002005”;”Morris Park”;0.0535295916447669;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.570404998901988;62;20
“360050256001007”;”Morris Park”;0.0556251520606065;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.598784628374089;15;3
“360050252002003”;”Morris Park”;0.0800774023546136;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.644305545016824;102;36
“360050244002007”;”Morris Park”;0.10933707800059;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.651640853614367;93;21
“360050244002005”;”Morris Park”;0.160341369925452;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.665389146581869;78;22
“360050244002006”;”Morris Park”;0.143635742162954;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.681485898926301;1;0
“360050236001000”;”Parkchester”;0.474703683146121;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.193798531587735;430;119
“360050236001001”;”Parkchester”;0.496880714363399;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.198367727543195;267;75
“360050232002002”;”Parkchester”;0.447529309479232;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.20670822677169;625;173
“360050232002001”;”Parkchester”;0.421305733205542;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.230815659814348;365;97
“360050232002000”;”Parkchester”;0.401112854003642;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.260000473014037;403;88
“360050230002005”;”Parkchester”;0.498967483641819;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.275755352339049;340;79
“360050232001003”;”Parkchester”;0.386065948737069;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.293686974501356;317;93
“360050236002001”;”Parkchester”;0.41296591098077;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.314907628429971;212;52
“360050236002000”;”Parkchester”;0.378143596155237;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.325537687327438;300;77
“360050246002004”;”Parkchester”;0.474633351615802;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.325923366777403;0;0
“360050232001002”;”Parkchester”;0.376483813509192;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.330732999795478;273;77
“360050238003002”;”Parkchester”;0.344327931315847;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.33349773378215;338;76
“360050238003001”;”Parkchester”;0.311430523989807;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.348069453609146;199;57
“360050246002005”;”Parkchester”;0.458767609164487;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.364723302768437;0;0
“360050238003000”;”Parkchester”;0.283915559947128;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.367876727017724;296;68
“360050232001001”;”Parkchester”;0.372916563065841;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.370841344737649;350;94
“360050236002004”;”Parkchester”;0.354502564053783;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.390973284699784;0;0
“360050238002002”;”Parkchester”;0.262026535162886;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.392509357630439;321;89
“360050236002003”;”Parkchester”;0.332745310002151;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.398461261967885;0;0
“360050238002001”;”Parkchester”;0.2480799908244;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.4204593159921;169;43
“360050232001000”;”Parkchester”;0.374005712322085;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.423663175704635;267;82
“360050238003003”;”Parkchester”;0.287588576203024;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.425270906574246;100;22
“360050232001004”;”Parkchester”;0.325887975739776;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.426493720733763;61;16
“360050238003004”;”Parkchester”;0.251084831275893;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.429434061824745;225;56
“360050238003005”;”Parkchester”;0.219530035517823;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.440894541364703;154;38
“360050238002003”;”Parkchester”;0.194421285028772;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.457266103905721;124;34
“360050238002000”;”Parkchester”;0.269460524493157;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.46510226721134;315;95
“360050238002004”;”Parkchester”;0.181887795971484;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.474632336572142;68;14
“360050238002005”;”Parkchester”;0.21973846414628;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.500758228955128;214;48
“360050244001003”;”Parkchester”;0.279777026519759;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.549118548759938;100;27
“360050238001000”;”Parkchester”;0.0863420548130084;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.570377958403633;92;40
“360050244002004”;”Parkchester”;0.2063880392126;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.646515866447047;127;36
“360050244002002”;”Parkchester”;0.25058399083985;”212″;”Bronx Park East”;0.683176746212218;258;87
“360050222001003”;”Parkchester”;0.460048362946136;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.242493119894034;652;204
“360050206012004”;”Parkchester”;0.4780636678542;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.275162537424957;66;13
“360050222001001”;”Parkchester”;0.412567693903924;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.327503976642296;0;0
“360050210023000”;”Parkchester”;0.386873851542708;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.332454996212734;0;0
“360050210026000”;”Parkchester”;0.339578477398237;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.364240634396981;1578;539
“360050210022000”;”Parkchester”;0.346640334807256;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.376437410035084;580;211
“360050210024001”;”Parkchester”;0.322358883385622;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.384206800676634;520;210
“360050210024002”;”Parkchester”;0.309136342231627;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.393030615792867;0;0
“360050210028000”;”Parkchester”;0.238922386617077;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.463506651327202;799;295
“360050210024000”;”Parkchester”;0.249878748858885;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.469153515969661;458;151
“360050210015000”;”Parkchester”;0.199055292627;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.518317429470253;1267;425
“360050210011001”;”Parkchester”;0.252507428526191;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.5206844866234;584;203
“360050210013000”;”Parkchester”;0.206936443873813;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.560806762074411;410;135
“360050210013001”;”Parkchester”;0.175452749490026;”607″;”Castle Hill Av”;0.567552007578855;0;0
“360050240001007”;”Parkchester”;0.457540209770686;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.277581901311529;321;78
“360050240002000”;”Parkchester”;0.469041091117847;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.285240728019709;352;95
“360050240001014”;”Parkchester”;0.481223178366435;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.296591604157954;0;0
“360050240001006”;”Parkchester”;0.41614262225646;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.31185812977746;397;72
“360050240001015”;”Parkchester”;0.424748276594574;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.334864921348216;0;0
“360050236002002”;”Parkchester”;0.435381258405747;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.337796689839438;495;117
“360050240001000”;”Parkchester”;0.380235876168732;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.35147183826658;322;88
“360050218003000”;”Parkchester”;0.476640187505582;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.355188992920503;280;81
“360050240001005”;”Parkchester”;0.385779525831143;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.364896181930628;0;0
“360050218001000”;”Parkchester”;0.429783764597131;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.368092089624134;251;64
“360050240001001”;”Parkchester”;0.347826334028015;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.377595973116741;290;68
“360050216013000”;”Parkchester”;0.391611784937633;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.389721049161162;511;180
“360050240001002”;”Parkchester”;0.320811729618667;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.406659816589982;156;31
“360050218001001”;”Parkchester”;0.463919972381492;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.423987350743304;1043;262
“360050240001004”;”Parkchester”;0.311766425780784;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.42638633933455;0;0
“360050236002005”;”Parkchester”;0.306736988766871;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.427795161024119;0;0
“360050216014001”;”Parkchester”;0.3414532927878;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.428650099829248;331;104
“360050216011002”;”Parkchester”;0.420629810100731;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.453569596269117;0;0
“360050216014000”;”Parkchester”;0.289260047310282;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.471623025964951;345;85
“360050240001003”;”Parkchester”;0.251564811172835;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.476420080626105;0;0
“360050216021000”;”Parkchester”;0.23567863109769;”213″;”E 180 St”;0.518515508926883;0;0
“360050252001002”;”Parkchester”;0.478770469583466;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.410065187052529;261;72
“360050244001000”;”Parkchester”;0.445489682684589;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.419610669764597;183;52
“360050244001001”;”Parkchester”;0.415482624206915;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.434455967484634;517;167
“360050244001002”;”Parkchester”;0.392124998075232;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.451629599038163;117;31
“360050252001004”;”Parkchester”;0.438991040012996;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.537449496590565;174;50
“360050252001005”;”Parkchester”;0.482840886022992;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.539258969327673;147;37
“360050252001003”;”Parkchester”;0.39641023542315;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.540229065428264;181;62
“360050244002000”;”Parkchester”;0.355535991332814;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.547525750850144;160;53
“360050244002001”;”Parkchester”;0.317070189254504;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.559044654984173;244;71
“360050252002001”;”Parkchester”;0.394549769886475;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.664378685648366;259;71
“360050252002000”;”Parkchester”;0.442875145847493;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.665740134823709;265;77
“360050252002002”;”Parkchester”;0.34654475857313;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.666656499148868;266;84
“360050254002003”;”Parkchester”;0.491264308386684;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.670827767968771;204;67
“360050244002003”;”Parkchester”;0.299051917770857;”505″;”Morris Park”;0.672461090595482;242;59
“360050256002003”;”Parkchester”;0.484868418844831;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.465602422328632;218;61
“360050256002004”;”Parkchester”;0.436230247722217;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.50283139688703;105;37
“360050256001004”;”Parkchester”;0.49098552273449;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.503688632039633;0;0
“360050256001006”;”Parkchester”;0.443171057019022;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.533474079179523;0;0
“360050256001003”;”Parkchester”;0.486813358390031;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.566072685270609;151;48
“360050252002005”;”Parkchester”;0.437467923399598;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.588593954671438;133;41
“360050252002004”;”Parkchester”;0.387124484069307;”604″;”Westchester Sq – E Tremont Av”;0.619322005365936;160;39
“360050206012000”;”Parkchester”;0.444059747170736;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.325165075909235;149;50
“360050204003001”;”Parkchester”;0.48158617292666;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.347571290241398;409;134
“360050204003003”;”Parkchester”;0.415560190674943;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.368031620264046;316;104
“360050204003002”;”Parkchester”;0.446161302124586;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.389657733476005;335;112
“360050222001000”;”Parkchester”;0.349404386669353;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.42590063920313;90;35
“360050204001000”;”Parkchester”;0.411441451859547;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.442236187556202;421;116
“360050204001001”;”Parkchester”;0.361780922380389;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.480272108916619;388;132
“360050210011000”;”Parkchester”;0.30125214718073;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.50555732186884;273;99
“360050256002006”;”Parkchester”;0.363363827209007;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.530447938877102;33;7
“360050256002005”;”Parkchester”;0.334373864453407;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.570404998901988;62;20
“360050256001007”;”Parkchester”;0.330261332729979;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.598784628374089;15;3
“360050252002003”;”Parkchester”;0.337066253434021;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.644305545016824;102;36
“360050244002007”;”Parkchester”;0.292867920126095;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.651640853614367;93;21
“360050244002005”;”Parkchester”;0.232518088833813;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.665389146581869;78;22
“360050244002006”;”Parkchester”;0.270373772942027;”606″;”Zerega Av”;0.681485898926301;1;0
Again, the point is to enable reverse commuting. Fairfield County zones out the working poor, and even working people in general, and that is constraining its economy. Reverse commuting has been booming as it is. The purpose of this is to get more people accessible to a commute to Connecticut.
It’s a nationwide trend, except on Long Island where the lack of a third track prevents it. Caltrans from San Jose to San Francisco now has massive ridership in both directions.
This will primarily serve Manhattan-bound commuters, though there will certainly be some reverse commuting. There are obviously many times more jobs in Manhattan than in coastal Fairfield/New Haven and Manhattan job growth has been much more robust.
Caltrain service has decent ridership numbers, but hardly “massive”; its ridership trails essentially every major line on Metro North, LIRR and NJ Transit.
LIRR Main Line is getting third track and will have some reverse commuting, but there isn’t an enormous corporate base on LI. It will mostly aid in getting more folks to Manhattan.
This will primarily serve Manhattan-bound commuters, though there will certainly be some reverse commuting. There are obviously many times more jobs in Manhattan than in coastal Fairfield/New Haven and Manhattan job growth has been much more robust.
However with this new service, Downtown Stamford can attract new corporate offices downtown as it becomes easier to get there without sitting in I-95 traffic every day.
Right now there has been a lot of new harbor point & downtown development including…
1. residence Inn
2. LMC high-rise apartments & redevelopment of St. John’s towers
3. A new 450 unit apartment complex on Grey Rock Place across from the mall & three blocks from the HQ of Indeed.
There are numerous sights just ripe for development or redevelopment & new rail service is the spark to get things moving.
Caltrain ridership is higher than the MNRR Hudson Line, and every LIRR line except Babylon.
That’s an even bigger extravagance. According to the 2015 LEHD census, there are 241 workers within walking disance of the proposed stations who work in Connecticut.
The point is not to serve people who currently work in Connecticut. The point is to attract more low wage workers to work in Connecticut without having to live there and use local public services.
The 7 train ran through farm land when they broke ground. If you build it they will come.
“…Amtrak running several trains daily from Long Island to Penn Station and continuing either north to Boston or south to Washington.”
What? Does this make a lot of sense? What am I missing here?
No it makes no sense whatsoever to me. Most likely it is the usual political garbage to allay some politician or some voters.
Maybe they can extend one or two of the Albany trains to Ronkonkoma with stops at Jamaica, Hicksville and Ronkonkoma, but I do not know if there is enough demand for people from Long Island going to Albany. As long as the state ponies the operating subsidy and the MTA allows Amtrak to turn the trains in the expanded Ronkonkoma yard it could be done once the third main track is in service and Amtrak/LIRR/Metro-North purchase new dual-modes. Is it worth it? I do not know. But this is definitely the most likely way to do this if at all since NYState already pays for the Albany trains.
Extending the Keystones makes little sense as I see nobody from LI wanting to go to Harrisburg. A NEC train from Ronkonkoma to DC might gain enough ridership, but this is much tougher to pull as Amtrak is always better off sending the NEC Regionals to Boston. Also an engine change will be necessary making this a likely non-starter as I have not heard of Amtrak planning on buying dual-modes with catenary and diesel capability.
Thanks–I thought it was just me! My first thought was the unlikelihood of extending overhead catenary power along LIRR tracks, as well as Amtrak adopting 3rd rail equipment on its locomotives.
For the better part of a year I traveled to the Hudson Valley fairly frequently for work, flying in to JFK. If there had been a direct train from Jamaica to Poughkeepsie, my life would have been rather substantially improved on those long travel days.
that’s a great case for a much more viable integrated regional rail system, rather than using infrequent intercity trains to accomplish region mobility.
we need to connect Jamaica to Newark via Brooklyn and Stamford to Newark via Manhattan. Would bring a revolution in regional mobility.
Yes exactly & use the same or compadible fare media so transfers are painless. Just tap & go – like it is done in Toronto or San Francisco.
Yes yes YES!!
yeah, I can’t even imagine how you do LI to Boston via Penn without reactivating some tracks that aren’t in use for passenger freight, or worse, doing a turn at Penn, which would be a disaster. LI to DC is interesting, but would require one of 1) Amtrak engines that run on DC third rail, rather than the current AC overhead wire, 2) additional electrification in LI, or 3) changing engines at Penn, none of which really make sense.
Amtrak has engines that run on 3rd Rail: the P32s that currently haul Empire Corridor Trains up the West Side Towards Albany. The problem is that a P32 could get an Amtrak Train from LI through the River Tubes, but then the 3rd Rail ends. That’s fine for Trains that would go directly to Philadelphia, I’m not sure what the constraints are in the B&P Tunnel in Baltimore.
The easiest thing to do would be to simply extend some Empire Corridor Trains from Albany eastward. This would give folks upstate along the Hudson Line one seat access to JFK Airport.
For true service straight through to DC from Long Island, Amtrak would need to get another type of Dual Mode Locomotive. They would either need to invest in the ALP-45DP that NJT uses that can operate on either overhead wire or diesel, OR they could invest in a locomotive than can operate on both 3rd rail and overhead wire, similar to MNRR’s New Haven Line fleet.
Given a choice between snail-paced #6 and a commuter train into Penn Station (at the sane subway fare), I’ll take the latter, all day long. Major caveat – boarding an inbound rush hour commuter train in Bronx guarantees that you will stand the entire way to Penn. On outward bound trains, I have to imagine that suburban commuters will be displeased with having to stand on train (as sizable #s of homeward-bound Bronx riders will populate some seats at Penn). This is something they don’t presently have to contend with (although LIRR commuters deal with it through Brooklyn/Queens on a daily basis). As such, it will be interesting to see how many New Haven-bound trains become scheduled as first stop being Rye or Greenwich (I fully expect this to happen).
While Penn is not beautiful like Grand Central (GS), its multiple subway lines make it FAR better situated than GS for heading in various Manhattan directions.
Another reality is that Metro-North service from Bronx locations should stimulate new Bronx residential growth.
This is by no means a perfect solution, and although typically MTA costly, it is relatively “low-hanging fruit”. Get it done and move onto the next thing.
Did they say anything about the fare being the same as the subway? That’s certainly not the case now, nor should it be. I could see charging the same fare as express buses within NYC for both Metro North and LIRR.
Well, there’s a well publicized, in-flight initiative (Gov and Mayor have commented on) by which ALL passengers boarding and exiting an MTA commuter rail train will be the same price as a single subway or MTA bus fare.
Given today’s rail configuration, this would apply to:
— LIRR trips between stops in Manhattan, Bklyn and Queens
— Metro-North between 125th St and Grand Central
Presently, a one-way LIRR fare (peak) within NYC limits is $8.75 ($15 if you buy ticket on the train).
As such, I would fully anticipate that if this is made MTA policy, that all riders boarding one of the 4 new Bronx stations and riding to Penn (or the reverse) would also be charged a fare equal to 1 subway ride ($2.75).
Lastly – I have of course heard NADA, re the MTA considering also adjusting fares down on behalf of commuters who ride from NYC to points beyond the city line. For example, a current peak ticket from Penn Station to Rockville Centre costs $13.50 ($20 if you buy ticket on the train. So if the fare for riding within the city is to be set at $2.75, then the adjusted “fair fare” Rockville Centre should be reduced to by $6 ($8.75 – $2.75), or to $7.50 ($14 if you buy on train). But again, there is ZERO public discussion of such a reduction for non-city commuters.
I said this on Twitter, but I don’t expect $2.75 to happen. I do expect them to set the fare at the same as Express Buses, with free transfer to the subway (probably implemented through the new Oyster-like system that’s replacing the MetroCard).
They’re certainly not going to make significant cuts in fares for people outside NYC, and they’ll have to figure that out carefully — for instance, a monthly ticket from Tarrytown to Grand Central is $311, but a monthly ticket from Tarrytown to Marble Hill is $103. Which means that if you just add $121 for an unlimited MetroCard, you get more for less. No way they’ll do that. But adding $240ish for a MetroCard with Express Bus sounds about right.
Put simply, $2.75 for an express ride from Riverdale is guaranteed to generate pitchforks and torches in Bay Ridge and Staten Island — but pricing express train rides at the same fare as express bus rides won’t.
As much as I agree with you with rationalizing city fares, that isn’t the most important issue. Getting the infrastructure built & running is jobe one & once that is under way, then we can talk about fixing fare structures & yes they do need to be fixed.
job one
What does this mean for stations north of (and including) New Rochelle? Will MetroNorth trains from Harrison/Stamford/or even as far away as New Haven now have the ability to go either to Grand Central or to Penn? Does this mean that MetroNorth’s New Haven branch is getting more trains (which I highly doubt) or that the current number of trains into and out-of New York City will be split in some way between GCT and Penn? If so, then I imagine adjustments will need to be made to the current schedules.
A good question, totally unaddressed in either NY or CT. I read recently that business groups in Fairfield County and New Haven (ie Yale) have been active in pushing for this project. I really wonder what % of New Haven Line riders would be better served by service to Penn and how schedules and service will change to serve this new branch. I can’t imagine that they will be able to serve both destinations without a significant net increase in the # of trains and new rolling stock. Recent capacity issues with Amtrak on the Hartford line have underlined embarrassingly the need for well-considered rolling stock plans.
I would imagine service on the New Haven line would be increased to feed both Penn & Grand Central as this isn’t NJT’s Morris Essex line where service is split between Penn & Hoboken. There’s enough track space to have full service each way.
At New Rochelle, an additional platform needs to be constructed on the other side of track 4 where rows of ties now sit. The current platform between tracks 4 & 6 is two narrow to handle the future passengers that will use it. This will also necessitate a new & wider overpass with two replacement elevators plus one new elevator. Don’t forget that New Rochele was one of the earliest ADA stations, so this would be a great time for some renovations.
There are definite short term needs at New Rochelle to accomodate this service as well as long-term needs to rebuild this whole area to increase capacity and speeds for Amtrak. The future of both of these lines, and this junction in particular, is tied up in the NEC Future planning. Too bad all that’s going nowhere right now. -Sigh-
You could fix the junction, but the New Rochelle station it self is hemmed in with I-95 & the transit center to the north along with office & residential towers to the south. Believe it or not, one of these residential buildings has Trump’s name slapped on it.
This is why I suggested above reconstructing the train station with a new platform & overpass. It’s not perfect, but “don’t let that be the enemy of the good.”
Will they be building in space for Amtrak to have express tracks for trains that won’t stop at these stations?
Was wondering about this–seems that MNR would severely constrain Amtrak growth on a two-track line.
Amtrak into JFK Airport via a reactivated Rockaway line would provide a better option for international passengers near the NE corridor, the Keystone corridor and the Hudson Valley out to Buffalo.
Reactivated Rockaway Beach Branch would be unnecessary – Amtrak trains stopping at Jamaica for a connection to the AirTrain would be just as good. An intercity train won’t stop at every terminal, so the passengers are going to be riding the AirTrain anyway.
What about the Hudson line access to Penn Station? Is that being done separately?
Also, how would an Amtrak train from LI via Penn Station get to Boston? I don’t see any track connections, unless they want to reverse the train at Penn Station. And who is the market for these trains anyway, LIRR trains to Penn Station are quite frequent, and would allow transfers to the full array of NEC (including Acela trains)?
If Amtrak were to serve LI, the routes it could serve would have to go west/ southwest. As noted, reverse moves are just impractical, but through running to NJ or extending certain Amtrak routes that normally end at Penn Station may work, but new duel mode engines would need to be obtained. This doesn’t address the huge issue of cooperation between NJT, Amtrak & the LIRR. I don’t have the knowledge behind that problem, so I’ll leave that to Larry Littlefield & others who could fill in those details.
Larry, the floor is yours…
In theory, a train could go from Long Island, up the Empire Corridor to Albany, and then follow the route to of the Lake Shore Limited to get to Boston. But that’s a very slow route.
What about MNRR Hudson Line access to NYP?
Wasn’t this also in a proposal to bring MNRR into NYP? I’d love to make clean connections to Amtrak without humping my bags on the NYC Subway. We need ALL MNRR, LIRR, and NJT commuters to have easy access to both East and West sides of Manhattan. NH Lines would be a good start. But doing a Hudson line connection would make a great, relatively inexpensive second step with a stop at W125 St then NYP.
One caveat re MNRR into Penn. I’m not a rail engineer, but it seems to me that only MNRR trains drawing power from overhead lines (e.g., New Haven line) can utilize Penn Station via Hellgate Bridge / Queens route. Yes, this is how initial service is intended. But beyond this, MNRR and LIRR trains that use 3rd rail power differ, in that LIRR train shoe engages 3rd rail by making contact with the TOP of 3rd rail, while MNRR train’s shoe engages 3rd rail by making contact with the BOTTOM of 3rd rail.
Again, this is just based on my visual observations. But given this, 3rd rail-based MNRR Harlem and Hudson line will not be able to someday utilize Penn Station via the Hellgate Bridge / Queens route.
As I remember, future rail rolling stock were going to be built with flexible shoes that could work either way. This would make large car orders easier & less costly.
Hudson Line Access to Penn might happen one day, but don’t hold your breath. In best of circumstances it will be 2030-2040 after LIRR access to Grand Central (ESA) is complete and the Metro-North Access from the New Haven line to Penn is operational.
Being that the Empire line is a single non electrified route, reconstruction plus a second track would be required to handle all day two way service.
Does anyone know how this effects NEC/Acela service? Won’t they now be running on the same tracks as these metro-north trains and be slowed down? I’ve looked in many articles and haven’t seen discussion of this.
I thought there was space to add two additional tracks. These tracks were going to be constructed along with reconstruction of the existing row.
Please can someone verify this? Thanks.
There is indeed space to add two additional tracks in the Bronx, and the project scope proposes to include this, precisely for the reason you cite, to separate Amtrak traffic from MNR trains. Sometime in the past two or there years there was a presentation to the MTA Board’s Capital Program Oversight Committee which outlined this and the operations simulation analysis that was to have been performed to identify the optimum configuration. Note, that it is only in the Bronx, between the Pelham Bay Bridge and the Hell Gate Bridge, and not over the bridges themselves, where the extra trackage will be build.
Also keep in mind that the junction with the New Haven line is in a constricted space with I-95 crossing overhead at a weird angle.
Must add Queens LIC stop – opens up HQ2 to Bronx residents and provides more housing options to HQ2 workers – the train goes right past there so the cost is infinitesimal compared to the rewards.
Wana bet Amazon took that into consideration before deciding to build there? Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it hasn’t been thought about. Perhaps Amazon should pay some or all the costs to get this station constructed as they would reap great benefits from it.
And how would that work?
As part of a land lease or purchase agreement for there HQ, money would be set aside for the infrastructure, development & construction of a Sunnyside LIRR station along with related sidewalk & landscaping elements. It would be Amazon’s responsibility to work with both Amtrak & the LIRR to have a realistic schedule to get this station operating when employees start working at that site.
As I noted before, Amazon needs to pay for such a station as they would reap great benefits from such a project.
I wasn’t talking about the LIRR Sunnyside station.
Sorry, I ment LIC not Sunnyside.
But where would it go?
I think there are land parcels near the LIRR row about a mile from the East River tunnels. There are already office & commercial uses in that area. It’s not far from the 23rd street Ely Avenue 7, E & M stop. You get a good vantage point on the flyover on the 7 as it swings toward 23rd street.
There’s one major problem with that, which becomes rather obvious when looking at where you’re pointing.
And that is?
Look at it.
I’m visually impaired, so I need information not sarcasm.
I believe that he is making a reference to the 59th Street Bridge and it’s related access roads. Plus there’s the huge Sunnyside railroad and train complex nearby. And the long time existing Long Island City – LIRR railroad terminal station near that location. Take your pick.
The area in question is in the vicinity of 49th Avenue.
That’s something that I seriously question, given the existing state of the area, not to mention that any such station would require the proposed service to still be able to stay out of the way of existing services.
Are there any modifications to the row that could be made without negatively impacting current or future operations?
As for the neighborhood & it’s current land uses, Once Amazon starts building the value of that entire area will just go off the charts especially if a train station is constructed there. Same will happen in the neighborhoods in the Bronx when those stations finally open.
A Queens Blvd stop would be awesome for people connecting between the BX-QN-Westchester-LI via commuter rail. Queens Blvd for connections to the subway on foot.
There is a (non-blinking) dot along the route in Queens. What new station will that be?
It’s been a long time coming for these transit deserts in the East Bronx.
In the case of Co-Op City though it’s not a desert. Rather you have a mishmash of routes that travel in all sorts of directions, traveling in & out of residential loops. The only transfer points are in or behind Bay Plaza, making transfers a challenge. Once the new MNR station is constructed, this problem can virtually be eliminated with all routes meeting at a central terminal adjacent to the station.