When the MTA unveiled Subway Time on Friday, the app faced criticism as it was made available only for Apple’s iOS platform. But along with Subway Time came a public release of the data stream, and less a day after the MTA’s own unveiling, a private developer had released Subway Time for Android. The app, a little buggy but definitely usable, is available here at Google’s Play store.
The Journal caught up with app designer Elad Katz who spoke about the quick creation of an Android version. “By the time we were at the cab,” Katz, who was on the way back from vacation, said, “we had decided that we’re going to do some reverse engineering and replicate the app on Android.” As the MTA’s app is, in Katz’s words, “basically a website that’s being displayed on the phone,” he said it was “easy to port over” to Android. And thus, the second real-time tracking app is born with many more to come.