The Daily News tracked down some creative sign editing from Harry Potter aficionados. (Photo via the Daily News)
Via Lauren Johnston of the Daily News comes this amusing edit of a subway sign. A few mischievous Harry Potter fans decided to slap a new sticker onto one of the subway entrances at Union Square. The bullet proclaims a stop for the 9 3/4 train — a number near and dear to Potter fans for it is the track at London’s Kings Cross Station from which the Hogwarts Express departs.
The new sticker, notes Johnston, is “slapped in the slot that featured a “W” until June when that line went out of service. The design mirrors the style of standard Metropolitan Transportation Authority signage and at first glance could pass for a relic from the days of the defunct No. 9 line.”
The agency said it had nothing to do with this rogue train marking and reminded people that the fine for defacing an MTA sign is $75. “We are not part of any sort of Potter campaign, but I’ve seen things like that before,” Transit spokesman Kevin Ortiz said to the News.
The sticker was last seen on the south side of 14th St. just around the corner from the Regal Union Square 14. Well played, I say. Well played.
At King’s Cross, they actually built a little Harry Potter-themed area called platform 9 3/4. Unfortunately, Rowling had misremembered the track arrangement; in fact platforms 9 and 10 are on opposite sides of the track, rather than a single island platform as in the book, which means it was impossible to build platform 9 3/4 between platforms 9 and 10.
Verry funny, & yet I’m not a harry Potter fan.
So I guess this means the Hogwarts Express uses A Division rolling stock?
At last, a 1 seat ride from Union Sq to Kings Cross UK! I wonder if there’s skip-stop via the 9 1/2 during peak hours!