Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Passengers reading in a subway car. 1946. Museum of the City of New York.
Once upon a time, Stanley Kubrick wasn’t always an award-winning director. He was just a staff photographer for LOOK Magazine, and in 1946, he was assigned to capture the essence of the New York City subway. In a posting earlier this week, the Museum of the City of New York showcased some of Kubrick’s shots, and it’s well worth the click-through.
Dapper New Yorkers dressed for the times and many reading newspapers — another relic of another age — recline on rattan-covered padded seats while heading home. Canal St. looks hauntingly familiar, and even in a supposedly more chivalrous age, men would not surrender their seats for women standing above them.
I guess this goes against the common knowledge that men were more “gentlemanly” in the past…won’t one of you men get up and give those ladies a seat?!
Why should a woman be offered a seat by a man? As an able-bodied female, I find it insulting.
The behaviors haven’t changed much (newspapers, feet on seats, etc.) but the dress certainly has.