Lower Manhattan looks more than a little lonely.
As subway service comes back online in pieces, it’s often difficult to put the convoluted service advisories into images. The MTA can describe the services offerings, but it’s far easier to understand them when presented visually. To that end, Transit has released a map of subway service for November 1. The visual is available here as a PDF and should be a very useful tool for those who are going to attempt to navigate the limited subway system tomorrow.
I assume that water damage at 207th St. Yard is the reason why A Train service terminates at 168th Street?
yes there was water there and in the Dyckman A station. Asked the crew yesterday and one guy stated “a lot of water”
To clarify the water level was several feet above the platform at 200 and extended all the way back to the 207 yard. Pump crews are pumping at several points here in Inwood
Thanks !! Lets see how this works out for me
Depending on the reliability of service, it ooks like the fastest way to get from Downtown Brooklyn to Midtown now is to take the A to the J to Sutphin Blvd, and walk north four blocks to the F train Sutphin stop. Why isn’t the E running there?
Probably not enough letter division rolling stock available in Bronx-Manhattan-Queens. It would not have been too hard to have run the F express and the M local on Queens Blvd, either running the M through the 63rd St tunnel to Herald Sq or through the 60th St tunnel to the BMT Herald Sq, and extending it to Jamaica Center along the E route. That they haven’t done that suggests they don’t have enough cars.
Both the 4 and the 6 are running local. With capacity so severely curtailed, they may have decided not to bother with express service.
The Lexington ave express tracks are lower level: they may be wet. The 2 is running express on the west side and the 5 in downtown Brooklyn.
They urgently need to get one of the bridge routes open soon to move stock.
That might be possible if they saved the diesel locomotives to do unpowered moves. Its gonna be slow.
Newtown Creek would do, too.
Hell bent on not taking a bus (where you could at least use your phone and check email)? The A and the J are so slow. And that trip on the F is LOOOONGGG. I don’t think that would be the fastest route at all.
I think the special busses from Downtown BK to Midtown will be quicker than taking three trains and walking for blocks!
Now that they’re getting their own bus lanes (which has been confirmed), they will certainly be faster.
thats if traffic is calm and hopefully orderly boarding and de-boarding at certain bus stops.
Where would it terminate? The F and D have already laid claim to both tracks at 34th-6th, and 34th-8th is too low-capacity a terminal for two lines.
From downtown Brooklyn to Midtown, either take the bus or walk.
TriboroRX would have been running now…
trees down all over the LIRR Bay Ridge Branch.
Tunnels: have mud and salt water. MTA has to clean the switches and signals.
This isn’t just about water. Even if traction power is available, other systems (lighting, faregates, signals(?)) rely on Con Ed for electricity. So, until power is restored to lower Manhattan, the MTA can’t restore service.
It’s mostly about water. Power to lower Manhattan will be back Friday or Saturday. That’ll allow the BMT Broadway to run to City Hall and the west side IND to run to West 4th St. Which will be an improvement. But reconnecting Brooklyn and Manhattan will require overcoming water damage.
Does anyone know what stops the buses will make? Will they just be express service or will they be making stops in the power-less downtown? Will they be making all #6 stops?
Assuming it will stop along the 6 train local stops… Since MTA was not so clear.
Why is there only southbound service at 49 St on the BMT?
The crane collapse incident; Unsafe area.
Due to the switch arrangement, a downtown train terminating at Herald square can only head back up the express track.
I had to drive downtown tonight with a client. Really eerie down there with the lights out and water being pumped from basements and/or tunnels.
If I may say so, this resumption of service such a short time after the hurricane just doesn’t feel natural to me. With how much water and flooding we saw in Sandy, in my opinion they couldn’t be ready this quickly unless they cut corners – unless every inch of track they’re putting in service was untouched by the hurricane in terms of switches, signals, corrosion etc., which I doubt.
Of course, I hope and pray I’m wrong, but I can’t help but feel things are going to go south with the subway in the next few weeks. Something just feels fishy with this; I can’t put my finger on what.
Not all tunnels or portions of the subway were FLOODED. Also, if you keep the train system totally out of commission too long, you’ve killed off the city economically. They had to get it at least partially operational.
They’re restoring services only in areas that were untouched by water. Anything that suffered any flooding is still offline.
Well, that’s a relief! I guess I don’t have much to worry about then. Kinda happy about that.
You don’t need a *subway* to be in aerospace condition to run in an emergency. Switches can be locked straight ahead, TOs can be required to use common sense, quit the drugs and nip bottles for a few days.
Had a former TO roommate once… he liked his drugs more than his job, eventually he had to choose. He went with the drugs. Last I knew he was unemployed and likely to stay that way.
Now he can’t afford the drugs.
I wonder why they can’t run the 7 from Main Street to QBP.
Signal problems through out the line since the equipment is ancient; was about to be replaced with CBTC….damn Sandy.
Plus, interlocking switch issue at Queensboro Plaza
That’s a shame. I knew they were supplying the IRT Flushing Line with CBTC, but I didn’t know that the signals being replaced were so fragile; I had presumed that in the event of this damage, service could have been provided at least to Queensboro Plaza, and then passengers would be able to transfer cross-platform.
Is there no way to provide bare-bones service via manual radio relay, like the fire at Chambers street back in 2005? It is an elevated line, after all.
The interlocking issue probably precludes that.
Also, they might not have a lot of spare staff right now.
There is no staffing issues, they are ready to work.
Looking long term… I wonder if the MTA would be able to produce a map like this every weekend to demonstrate the subway service as a result of weekend service disruptions (a la The Weekender map). This map was produced pretty quickly — though I realize this was a disaster situation, so resources could be pulled for this — but I would think that the capability exists.
N train this morning no more crowded than normal, despite less frequent service… and talking to someone I work with, the 6 train was half empty. Looks like a lot of people are still just staying home.