WeMakeCoolSh.it “L Train Notwork” Behind the Scenes from Matthew McGregor-Mento on Vimeo.
As the MTA works to bring cell service underground, a group of artists in — where else? — Williamsburg have decided to bring a wireless intranet network to the L train every day. The group, called WeMakeCoolSh.it, has been experimenting with their project from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. every day this week in the last two cars of the L train between Morgan Ave. and 8th Ave.
Here’s how this works: Using a few battery-powered web servers, the group creates mobile hotspots on the train. Those riding the L with their WiFi-enabled devices — which is just about everyone — can sign onto the network to chat with fellow straphangers, read curated news and creative content and surf the limited intranet. “We like to encourage strangers to talk to each other, and this seemed like a great way to do it,” the founders said in a press release. “When people ride the trains during rush hour, they are forced to be so close to each other, but they rarely interact with each other. We wanted to give people something to talk about.”
According to the group, they’re not doing anything intrusive that violates any MTA rules or regulations. Their equipment fits into regular shopping bags, and they say they “aren’t doing anything you couldn’t do on the average laptop or mobile device.”
Earlier this week, the group released the video above which shows how they set up their mobile train network. Tomorrow morning is their final run. While I’m sure some people will find this art both kitschy and ridiculous, it’s a clever way to connect people on a train in the morning.