Gene Russianoff, staff lawyer and public face of the Straphangers Campaign, is taking questions this week at City Room. At 220 questions and counting so far, most of the City Room folks posing quandaries to Russianoff are too focused on how the MTA can make their own commutes better, but some of the questions delve into the long-term outlook for the subway system and the problems inherent in the MTA bureaucracy. The answers will be forthcoming this week. [City Room]
IDk, my bff, Gene Russianoff?
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my comment has nothing to do with this article, yet for Gene Russianoff. i would like to have his e-mail or maybe for him to e-mail me or if whoever read this please send it to him to read. i dont know who he is yet we share the same last name and i understand that many people share last names and have no connections with one and another, but i also understand that my last name isnt like many others. my name is like one of kind. i found Gene looking through google to find my name(Jesse Russianoff) to see if my name was put out for baseball. Since i put in my last name google threw out everyone with the name. the only people it shows are my grandma Penelope Russianoff who is a well-known psychologist, author, and an actress in a movie called “An Unmarried Women”. my grandpa who is Leon Russianoff who is a famous clarinetist. and you Gene Russianoff. sorry for the long run off but my question for him/you is that if he/you know(s) any of them? or maybe if he/you is/are a relative? i ask this because i haven’t heard of you till today and i guess you can say curiosity lead to see if Russianoff belongs to someone other than my relatives and i. thank you very much to the person who has to read this and i plead to help me find out if he is my relative of just another person who has Russianoff for a last name.(