Home Asides Transit advocates to host evening rally against the cuts

Transit advocates to host evening rally against the cuts

by Benjamin Kabak

While time has long run out on the MTA, a group of transit advocates are going to give it the old college try today. This evening, from 5:30-7:30 p.m., three groups will be hosting a rally in Union Square to “urge our elected officials to stand up for transit.” The Straphangers Campaign, the Working Families Party and Transportation Alternatives will gather to “send a clear message that New Yorkers are united against the 25% fare increases and service cuts.” That’s all well and good, but as Streetsblog’s Ben Fried wrote yesterday, until these groups — and in particuarl, the WFP — come out for something, they’re just spinning their wheels.

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Jon April 28, 2009 - 3:16 pm

The WFP does not care how high the fare is as long as workers wages, benefits and pensions are protected. After all, we all have to pay our “fair share”.

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