Home Asides Dig tunnel on time; get free steak

Dig tunnel on time; get free steak

by Benjamin Kabak

Here’s a fun little gimmick for the foodies among us: While the disruptions from the Second Ave. Subway have garnered headlines, in the eastern reaches of Midtown, the infrastructure for the East Side Access project has led to some obstructed sidewalks and partial street closures as well. To that end, Maloney & Porcelli, a steakhouse on 50th St. between Madison and Park Aves., has come up with a clever gimmick to attract customers as a ventilation shaft is sunk in its front sidewalk. If the MTA wraps the project in November, as they’ve promised the restaurant, the work crews will earn a free steak dinner, and the restaurant will host a few open bars for club members. The restaurant has set up a website for customers to join the club and plans to host three open bars this summer as long as work remains on schedule. Why not join? I’d take a lapel pin and some free drinks any day. Hopefully, the workers can earn their free steaks too.

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AK May 12, 2010 - 3:15 pm

This is really cool, although I must admit that it appears people who sign up get access to the open bars only, not a free steak dinner– the steak goes to actual workers, should the project be completed on schedule.

Benjamin Kabak May 12, 2010 - 3:18 pm

Yep. You’re right. I’ve made a few changes there.

Anon May 12, 2010 - 5:53 pm

unless you are a subcontractor I suppose accepting this offer could get you fired.

Mike G May 12, 2010 - 11:59 pm

This idea is BRILLIANT!

Alon Levy May 13, 2010 - 1:33 am

It’s a wonderful idea. Next item on the agenda: offer all-you-can-eat options to crews that keep per-km costs within the range of the rest of the world.

For all of my criticism of SAS costs, SAS is only the third most expensive subway in the world; ARC and ESA are the top two. ESA involves tunnel portal construction in Queens and about 4 km of tunnel in Manhattan, and now is slated to cost $8 billion after the latest budget escalation. Forget rest-of-the-world costs; at New York’s original budgets, before all the cost overruns, the region could have built RER-style, multi-tunnel regional rail for about the same amount of money that will have been spent on ESA and ARC.


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